It never fails to amaze me, living in "the woods". While sitting in the sun room just now I noticed a nearly full grown, fledgling Robin sitting on the bush near the window. I took a picture or two through the window, and then decided to try sneaking up on it (outside) to get it's picture. This picture was taken while I was standing about 10 inches away from the little guy - as was the picture listed in the right hand sidebar! He sat and stared at me, not even being the least bit concerned. No doubt, his mother was somewhere nearby so I did my best to not disturb him. The gold finches were at the feeder again tonight, as well. There is no sneaking up on them, you have to get their picture through the glass or not at all.
Today's RAGBRAI news from Dean is that they all slept well last night, and he had arrived in Ames shortly before I talked to him this morning. The weather seems to be improving for the next day or so, and they should be enjoying some drier, cooler, air tonight. The band "Styx" is playing a RAGBRAI concert there tonight.
One of life's little lessons were learned here tonight. "Don't paint your fingernails a bright color without checking to see if you have polish remover, first." I guess I'll take a trip to Walgreens to pick up a new bottle of remover before it gets too late. Go figure.
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