Having suitably recovered from the weekend's Messier Marathon (which I fell into the 4th place grouping!) - one would think that I wouldn't be so anxious to get out to observe again too soon. Wrong. Last night we (along with 3 or 4 of our other TAAA friends) provided the "astronomy" portion of Rio Vista Elementary School's Science Fair. It was great fun! Picture 5 or 6 telescopes, 300 eager kids and their parents, and beautiful views of the moon, Saturn, and the Orion Nebula! It was great! The kids were well behaved, eager to look through the telescopes, and very interested in what they were seeing. This is just one of the many, many school star parties that the TAAA does every year. I'm ready to sign up for the next one too!

While I'm back to work tonight, we have a social function to attend before I head to work. Our friend, matchmaker, and all-around good buddy, Jane, is retiring from her 30+ year job at the University of Arizona at the end of business today! To celebrate we are meeting her, and other friends, at Barrio Brewery for 'happy hour'. While I won't be able to toast her with an adult beverage, I'm glad that I will be able to share in her excitement at being finished with her job! Jane has so much excitement ahead of her! While she will remain in Tucson for the next month, her plan is to then head north to Henderson, NV - to begin the new adventure of living with her long time boyfriend, Ron! It will be sad to see her leave Tucson, but she will be back - we are assured of that. So here's to you, Janie! Live long and prosper!
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