I'm so glad it's Friday! I still have to work a half shift tonight - having agreed to doing a split shift switch with one of my co-workers earlier in the week. It's nice to know that I'll only have to do 6 hours though. There's comfort in that! Last night was the proverbial "night from Hell". Of course I can't discuss it! HIPPA violation, you know! My patients were busy, but okay, but it seemed that every kid in the NICU had some sort of 'issue' going on. My co-workers and I were running all night - not to mention the Nurse Practioner and the Residents! Every once in a while it gets that way. It's during those times that it's tempting to grab my car keys and run for the car....but I don't. It's also during those times when my skills are tested, and I always feel good if we all make it through the night intact.

This weekend will be exciting! I am doing the All-Arizona
Messier Marathon for the first time! The Messier Marathon is definitely an Astronomy Nerd sport. In a nutshell, it's going out observing from sunset to sunrise - looking for the 110 heavenly objects that Charles Messier catalogued in the 1700's. Some are easy to find, some are visible to the naked eye - but some are pretty tough to snag! Through the course of tomorrow night (this only happens once a year) all 110 objects will be visible (with a telescope) and able to be accounted for. Thousands of people, worldwide, will be doing the same thing I will be doing - finding the object and checking it off of their list. While many people aren't able to find all 110 objects (star clusters, nebulae, planetary nebulae, galaxies, etc.), if I find more than 50 or 60 I'll get a certificate saying I was somewhat successful in my quest. If I find 110 I'll get a plaque that I can put on my telescope! Cool beans! I've seen most of the objects before - the trick is seeing them all in one night. I would imagine that I could enlist Dean's help if I get to lost in the universe. He's good about that! We will be observing from a site sponsered by the Saguaro Astronmy Club from Phoenix. We'll also get to see and visit with friends from there - which is about half of the fun! I'll be able to post my results, and blog about the experience on Sunday. I should have some pictures to post then also..... stay tuned!
Orion's belt picture by hubby Dean!
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