Thursday, November 10, 2016

A November Surprise!

Today I had some spare time, so took my sister-in-law Maj to her annual physical, had lunch with our friend Carolyn afterwards, then ran a few errands. As we approached the Wal-Mart, with Resurrection Cemetery across the street, I suggested we "go visit Melinda" at her niche there. Didn't need to twist Maj's arm! As we approached, she smiled and said she had a surprise for me! She had taken a call the day before - Melinda's plaque, which for some reason was supposed to take months to arrive, had come and with the mild weather, had been attached. Now she has a labeled interment location!

We shed a few tears and shared a hug, happy in the satisfaction the site was complete, save for a small flower vase to be added later. I'm not sure when Maj was going to inform me, but evidently we were thinking alike and we got to see it for the first time together...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
