My home laptop computer is down again - the connector comes off the monitor on a regular basis (every 6 months or so) requiring a trip to the repair place to reseat it... At $50 "diagnostic fee", each visit, you would think at some point I could diagnose it for them, or have them teach me to do the connector reseat, but no - I think that they think they have a good thing going... As long as it doesn't happen during the 3-month warrantee period, they make money every time!
Anyway, so no new posts for a few days - not that I've got anything to post... You might have heard we've got a heat wave going here. There is an annual contest to name the date, hour and minute it breaks 100F at the airport, and this year it managed to wait till June 2nd to do it - later than normal. But since then, today was the 13th day this month over that number - it is 108F as I write this at 3:30pm... And yes, it will get hotter the next couple days. I hear that it will be 112F tomorrow and hotter still on Monday, possibly reaching 116F. At least we don't live in Phoenix - a few degrees warmer with its lower elevation, it is supposed to be over 120 Monday. As a result, the streets are pretty deserted as most everyone is hunkered down behind their air conditioned walls. The extended forecasts don't show the highs dropping below 105F for well over a week! Good think it is "a dry heat"! At least I should have my computer back by then...
This Old Lady
1 week ago
I vividly remember the day Phx reached 120°F. 25 June 1990. I was with my ag extension classmates and instructors at the experimental tree, fruit, and citrus farm near litchfield park waddell area on the far west side of the metro. No one expected the temp to reach 120° we thought well maybe 115. Many of us were out walking the fields among the experimental blueberry shrubs. Yes I said blueberry. It was an experimental farm.
We dug out several of these shrubs and placed in 10 gal containers. In the direct heat and light among the dry hot planting rows.
Some of us brought a few home. I was given one container.
No one knew it had already reached 120°
by the time we headed each to our respective homes.
No one knew the temp reached 120° until we watched the evening news. This was the brick cellphone generation. No such thing as Google Twitter or Facebook.
Lots of overheated cars on the road. The blueberry shrubs survived on my patio with lots of tlc.
The very next day 26 June 1990 the temp went to 122° my sons and I never left the house. I had water on maintaining the garden and yes those blueberry shrubs that flowered in the fall that year.
Ps: flights were cancelled out of Phx Sky Harbor during peak heat periods both of those days. They did not know then what flying conditions would be at those temps.
And as I write this at 1500 hrs it's 111° in the shade on my patio with 3% humidity. Official temps are recorded here at the Tucson airport. But temps can vary widely in any metro area. And I'm not going anywhere until the sun is well set. Siesta Time folks!
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