My first target of the night, shortly after it got dark, was the continuing planetary grouping in the west. As mentioned in my last post from town, Venus and Mars in the west are currently serving as guideposts to locate Uranus in binoculars between them. I was setting up a 135mm lens for my first primary object, so used it to barely fit the scene in that telephoto. I stopped the lens down to F/5.6 to give a nice diffraction pattern around Venus, and even Mars shows one at the bottom. Uranus is between them, and even if you don't know which of the points of light it is, the greenish tint guides you to it in the image. I provide the labeled version at right. In a few more days it will drop below Mars (Mars is moving away from the sun faster than Uranus), so do check it out soon!
Never having seen a "ghost comet" before, I was hoping it would last long enough that I could try capturing it, so that was the first object on my list. Fortunately, a couple websites like that last link provided a map of where to look, so started exposing with the Canon XSi and my ole' reliable Nikon 135 lens set to F/4. I wasn't expecting to see it on the screen - I suspected that the power of stacking images would be needed to be able to see something like this. Sure enough, nothing detected, but when my lucky 13 exposures were stacked at home later (22 minutes total exposure), out popped a little Cheshire Cat mustache! Shown at left is the full frame of the 135mm field and APS sensor, the remnants of Comet SOHO is bottom center. Unfortunately, the comet was on the northern edge of the Zodiacal Light, so there is a nice gradient across the field that I'm not really interested in removing as it is real...

To round out the night, another bright comet is still around - old reliable Lovejoy C/2014 Q2. I've posted a few times, my favorite was when I shot it passing the Pleiades when I was fresh out of the hospital with bronchitis in January. Now on the opposite side of the sky when it first moved above our southern horizon, it is up in Cassiopeia, back in the Milky Way again. It was competing a little with the skyglow with Phoenix from my location, but it is a shadow of its former self. While obvious in binoculars, try as I might I just couldn't quite make it out naked eye. But is it in a beautiful field with lots of open star clusters and even scattered dark nebula. The bright star to the comets right is Delta Cass, Arabic name Ruchbah. The image at left is only 12 minutes of stacked exposures, and stretched enough that I can almost imagine the tail stretching to the top of the frame.

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