We've been posting about the cats, a lot, lately. We'll try to make this the last update for a while - barring any bizarre happenings with them!

Atticus is adapting to his newly shorn self. We are still laughing at him, he's like a hairy noodle - and always running! While they may call this haircut "the lion cut" - on him it's more like a poodle. Ah well, he's adjusted to it and may be sleeping indoors more than he used to since he doesn't have so much hair to keep him warm on our cool nights.

The other update we need to do is on our YellowCat. He has been healing well since his surgery, though still seems to have some bruising. We received "the phone call" from the Vet's office, however, on Thursday evening. The news that we didn't want to receive was the topic of the message. YellowCat is, indeed,
FIV+. Our other newest feral, Scruffy, is also FIV+. It wasn't a great surprise that YellowCat tested positive, it was news we were hoping wouldn't come however. As you can see from this picture (taken this morning), Yellow Cat is looking much healthier than when we
first brought him into the house two weeks ago. It's amazing what a little bit of love, care, and healthy food will do to transform these poor little guys! Dean set up the dog cage/crate in the living room on Thursday night and we moved YellowCat from the guest bathroom to the dog crate yesterday. He's not happy (he's pouting a lot) in the dog cage, but it is giving the rest of the tribe a chance to get used to him - and hopefully him a chance to get used to the rest of the group. My biggest concern is his biting. We haven't had that problem with Scruffy since he is missing his upper fangs. YellowCat, on the other hand, has very healthy teeth - and likes to bite in defense. Dean has been bitten a couple of times, as have I. Since that would be the primary method of infecting the other cats, that is behavior that will have to stop. The rest of the gang isn't prone to fighting or biting, but if YellowCat is frightened I'm concerned that there will be a problem. At this point, we are proceeding with the idea of keeping him. We are quite attached to him. We'll take it day by day, and hope for the best!
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