St. Charles kids.
The upper picture is Atticus, he is the baby of the family. He was born in March of 2006, and was a tiny bundle of fun when I adopted him at 6 weeks of age. He's a Maine Coon mix (I've had a long affair with Maine Coon's, and can't get enough of them), and has some of the best characteristics of the breed (great tail, long body, loving personality). He's not the smartest of the group - but he has such a sweet, loving disposition!
The middle picture is Annie. Annie is a rescue kitty from Portage, Wisconsin. I found her in the ads on the computer - and fell in love with her bushiness! She was a feral in the beginning of her life, and lived in foster care for 6 months. She was still pretty wild when she came home with me, but has become "the lap robe" most of the time. Annie also has more than a little Maine Coon in her, and has the most amazing ear tufts! On humid days she has a look of an exotic, Asiatic lily - with her long curly ear tufts that stand up and curl around her ears. She is a very vain little girl, and loves admiring her looks in the mirror. She's a diva, there's no way around it! She's also very talkative, mostly in a little squeak of a voice. Shortly after she came here to live I was watching a musical on television with my sister. Annie laid on the couch between us, squeaking and talking through the entire movie! She definitely likes the sound of her voice. She tends to be shy, and hides out when "strangers" are around; however, if you spend any time here at all she quickly wants to get to know you!
The lower picture is one from this morning - "the dead cats". I can't help but wonder what Annie and Atticus were doing all night to make them so tired this morning! Both cats love watching the birds from the sunroom windows, and will chatter at the birds - in an attempt to talk to them. Both are getting used to having two of their Tucson brothers here, and the hissing and growling are decreasing a little more every day. Annie tends to be more of a bully at times, and we have had long talks about how she will be happy to have friends when we travel to Tucson in the Fall.
Dean will add in the Tucson kids pics, and tell you about them, soon!
Later~ Melinda
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