Dean here with his first blog entry... Today we did name-changing chores! Melinda and I went to the courthouse to get copies of the wedding license, then over to the DMV for getting her new name on her drivers license. The day flew by with all the driving we had to do, but stopped by the bank also and opened a joint account with the money we got as gifts from the wedding. So we're starting to get that official business done - man I'm telling you - guys have it easy as far as that name-changing goes!
Got back to Riverwoods and Melinda was due to "volunter" her services as nurse and check-in new campers. I had been hoping to swing by the gym and get a workout in (my official full-time job this summer is improving my health, so was supposed to start today), but with all the above running around, decided for a walk down by the river with camera and telephoto optics. It had been a beautiful day - clear sky, warm and breezy. I suspected it was too breezy for birding - they tend to stay in the tree interiors when windy, but hey, it was really a workout disguised as a birding expedition.
Turned out great - it really was too windy to catch my favorites (Cedar Waxwings - though I did see some later, but far away and against the setting sun), but I saw something better! Back on what I recall was my first wak down to the river, almost exactly 2 years ago, I saw and photographed something that turned out to be a Green Heron. That was also the last time I saw one until today. I was almost to my turn-around point and I saw two sitting on a downed tree branch. They look to be juveniles from the markings, can't say if they are a mating pair, but it was a pleasant surprise to see them. Unfortunately I had to shoot thru some branches to get them - but at least I had the right lens this time and it will leave room for improvement next time! I ended up seeing what I suspected were these flying south along the river a half hour later as I walked back.
Then to top it off, I saw a big yellow bird I've never seen before, and luckily was able to image it too. Getting out the bird book, it turned out to be a female Baltimore Oriole. I'd seen a couple males - one right at Melinda's feeder, but don't recall seeing the bright yellow female (male is mostly orange). So a successful walk indeed tonight!
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