The other week I was on my way home and got stuck in a construction backup. As I was passing a portable sign marking a pedestrian crossing, I caught a glimpse of something that made me do a double-take - a clear profile of our current president! I almost didn't believe what I was seeing, but saw it the next day at normal speeds, but finally a couple days later I parked safely and took a photo with my phone. Sure enough, the normally round head of the "walking pedestrian" had an official-looking POTUS profile!
Of course, once seen, it cannot be unseen, and as my excursions for chores around Tucson had me wandering, I've now spotted well over a dozen of them within a few miles of my house! There are some of the old round-headed versions, but the majority of those in Midtown show Trump's visage!

Some of them, like the one shown at left, are mounted a good 10 feet off the ground, so it isn't like someone is throwing a sticker over the sign - tools and at minimum a tall ladder is needed. Examined closely, you can see the vinyl sticker is placed over the bolt holding on the sign - a clue that it likely isn't officially sponsored...
I returned to the original sign shown above, and with my "real' camera, adjusted the exposure so you can, in fact, see that the original round head of the sign is still under the vinyl sticker placed over it, shown at right...

And carefully, I worked my fingernail under the vinyl sticker and with some difficulty, could actually pull the edge of the sticker up off the sign - but notice at left that it sticks so well it pulls off the round-head sticker below it!
I've yet to find anything on Google to explain the appearance of POTUS profile on these signs... But then, I've not called the city's sign department also - may have to do that to see if anyone besides me has even noticed!
And finally, space artist Joe Bergeron, a long-time friend from the Grand Canyon Star Party, said the resemblance wasn't quite striking enough, so enhanced one of my photos. Shown at right, it more closely resemble POTUS - rounded abdomen, small hands, and of course, the overly-long tie! What do you think?!
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