I had an out-of-town visitor, so missed the beginner's lecture, but really wanted to attend the main lecture - Katy Garmany, Emeritus Scientist talking about the history of Kitt Peak National Observatory and the Tohono O'odham Nation, on whose land it resides! Now I'm a sucker for that sort of thing after 5 years on staff back in the early '80s, docent in the early '90s, and until recently a guide on the night time public observing sessions the last 5 years. It is what brought me to AZ in the first place and is my absolute favorite place in Southern Arizona. A talk on the history and the O'odham homeland - naturally I wouldn't miss it! At left is Katy awaiting the start of the lecture, and at right is her title slide showing the view of Kitt Peak from "the wrong side", from near Sells, capital of the reservation.

Then, as the legend tells us, tribe representatives visited the 36" telescope on the UA campus to examine the sky and learn a little about what astronomers do. It was after that visit that Meinel was granted permission to climb the mountain. And as the illustration at right shows, Katy's husband John Glaspey located the original movie reels in the NOAO basement a few years back!


for me, Katy went on to explain the interactions of the Observatory and the tribe, including employment, lease agreements, craft sales and continuing education utilizing observatory staff on the reservation. Also presented were some of the cultural beliefs of the O'odham and some of the sky stories she knew about. Over the decades, the relationship of the Observatory and tribe has not always been smooth - she relates the story of the failed attempt to locate the VERITAS gamma ray telescope array on the mountain as example. In recent years though, former Kitt Peak director Buell Jannuzi has worked to strengthen relations. She noted also that Kitt Peak is no longer a true National Observatory as NSF has pulled money away for other projects and many of the telescopes are now operated by consortiums. It appears though that while no longer available to astronomers on a competitive basis (how the National Observatory was run for 50 years), it will continue to be a front-edge research facility.

After questions the meeting was concluded by a planet report from Erich Karchoshka (at right)- always interesting because he indicates alignments, occultations and appearances that we might not be aware of.
And that was the October, 2016 TAAA meeting!
1 comment:
that movie is awesome! reminds me of back in the day. i have photos of several sites in tucson from back in the 50s photo of my mom and me at san xavier mission, and on mt lemmon with my brother outside the old old old and no longer mt lemmon inn. did that drive on the new road up mt lemmon some of which was still dirt road in a small DKW with no AC. ha ha ha yes i remember it well. my first trip to kitt peak was in 1973 made several trips there after college in the late 70s and early 80s so nice to see vintage footage of AZ. spent some time in tucson as a little tyke and when dad took his job at motorola we moved to scottsdale and back then scottsdale had 1 yes i said 1 traffic light down the hill from "barney's buttes" and one gas station on mcdowell. and we had to travel through the desert to Central Ave to do any shopping at all for school clothes. so often made our own. Yes there were old time cars, but not at all uncommon to see folks on horseback to get around. thanks for posting this
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