We had a very nice return flight to Tucson, arriving nearly 30 minutes early, and of course, leaving temps of about 10F, arriving to about 70F! During the flight I was thinking (I had the window seat) that stars should be visible, but it was tough to look up very high when adjacent to the window, so I did the next best thing and used the Canon camera! Shown here is the view to the south from 30,000 feet. I think El Paso, TX is distant center, Alamogordo, NM to the left, Las Cruces,NM to the right. Orion and the bright star Sirius are visible to the upper right of the wing of our aircraft. The bright moon provided some ambient light, but also visible are some reflections, as there were some reading lights in use in the seats in front of us. I used Melinda's winter coat to block most of the lights, and hand-held the camera against the Plexiglas window for the 15 second exposure with the 10mm zoom (wide open F/3.5, ISO 1600). Not a great image, but you have to make your own fun when held captive for 3.5 hours!
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