Another party (tis the season!), this one a pot-luck holiday lunch at the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab, now in something like it's 15th year! One rarely gets to socialize much between the various crews of the Lab, so it was fun to relax, visit and check out the culinary skills from some unlikely sources! Thanks to all the efforts of the students in the front office for organizing the event. The best-dressed award went to Rich, here modeling his Christmas ornament shirt.

In this shot the buffet line is under attack and there were some great choices - a couple different kinds of chili and chicken gumbo, some interesting salads and more mainstream fare like ham and shrimp and some great side dishes. About the time all were seated, various managers reminded us of some of our accomplishments over the last year (LOTIS 6.5 meter collimator, a 1.6 meter off-axis solar telescope, the largest telescope secondary mirror in the world, another secondary for the LBT telescope, and some of the most precise test optics ever made for the upcoming GMT project) - really a lot of work got done last year. Upcoming projects were also covered (GMT, LSST, and a 6.5 meter for a Mexican telescope), and Roger Angel gave an update on his solar energy photovoltaic project (making

electricity on the cheap). After all that morale-boosting, it was time for the dessert table - some killer stuff (including more of my chocolate cheesecake).

Star of the show was JJ's cute little boy. Now 7 months old, he put on quite the performance and may well be the next generation of employee to help us finish some of these big projects like the Giant Magellan Telescope!
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