Thursday, September 25, 2008

Visitors and more!

We had visitors today - one from near - some from far! The "near visitor" was our dear Carolyn. I had errands to do in town and thought that maybe she'd like to be 'sprung out' of her house for a while. If you recall in previous posts, Carolyn had a stroke while in Europe - that was 8 weeks ago. She's doing great, but still not allowed to drive. She is usually such a busy, on the go, person that the sitting around gets a little old for her. Also, I'm used to having lunch or breakfast with her once a week. So, I gave her a call and picked her up to come here for lunch! It was fun to have her here for a while before taking her back home. She was to be part of a shopping trip to see the wedding gown her granddaughter (newly engaged - congrats Sabrina!) has picked out. I'm sure they had a fun afternoon!

Our other visitors were from afar - Tucson to be exact! Thom and Twila Peck came by to visit on their way from Midway airport to Geneva (the next town South of here). This weekend is Thom's 40th high school reunion, they are in town to enjoy the festivities and visit with family. Thom and Twila have not been here, to our house, before. It was fun showing them our little corner of paradise!

We are going to visit our friends in Dodgeville, Wisconsin this weekend - David and Joan Oesper. Dean knows them from Iowa college days. We visited them two years ago, and are looking forward to seeing them this weekend. We will attend their local astronomy club meeting tomorrow night. Saturday night we will be a part of a public star party event - given for adoptive parents and their children. It should be fun! I'm hoping the weather will stay nice for us. I'm also hoping to take my telescope along, to use for observing. It hasn't been out of the box in quite a while!

I'm sure we'll have new pictures to post on Sunday night - so tune in again then!

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